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Category Archives: Inflation
Workers of the World, Unite!
Several decades of perpetual credit creation courtesy of the Fed’s artificially low interest rates have had countless unintended consequences for the global economy. In short, the economy’s reconfigured itself in ways it otherwise wouldn’t have. One example is the offshoring of U.S. jobs to China and the massive trade imbalance between the two countries. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged china, fake money, federal reserve, fiat money, trade war
The Three Stages of Modern Monetary Theory
Some ideas are so bad they’re best ignored. Like resentments – or stray cats – if you don’t feed them, they’ll go away. Before long, they’re forgotten altogether. That has been our approach to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). The idea’s so obviously foolish, reckless, and outright suicidal. Why feed this dorkus maximus of economic thought? Continue reading
Is Inflation Beginning? Are You Ready?
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” remarked George Santayana over 100 years ago. These words, as strung together in this sequence, certainly sound good. But how to render them to actionable advice is less certain. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged a. gary shilling, bill gross, business cycle, gold, treasuries
Why Warren Buffett Should Buy Gold
Warren Buffett bought his first shares of stock at 11 years old. He saved up $114.75 and “went all in,” purchasing three shares of Cities Service preferred stock. The day was March 11, 1942 – nearly 77 years ago. Buffett recently reminisced about this purchase in his annual letter to shareholders: “I had become a capitalist, and it felt good.” Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged bill & melinda gates foundation, collapse, financial reset, gold, warren buffett