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How to Catch a Falling Knife
Like Buffett, we want to buy wonderful companies at a fair price. And the AI story, as far as we can tell, has gotten well ahead of the AI reality. In other words, AI alone doesn’t justify NVIDIA’s peak valuation of $3.3 trillion. Continue reading
Posted in Business, MN Gordon
Tagged artificial intelligence, chatgpt, crash, dot com, nvidia, roaring twenties, stock market mania
Red, White, and Blue
The days are long and hot in the Northern Hemisphere when real American patriots spit upon their hands and hoist the red, white, and blue. On July 4th, the free and brave, with duty and self-sacrifice, begrudgingly accept federal holiday pay to stand tall upon their own two feet. Rugged individualism and uncompromising independence are essential to their character. Continue reading
Posted in Business, MN Gordon
Tagged creative destruction, danny way, independence day, plan b, steve rocco, the man who souled the world
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Fulfill the Dream
These cash cow businesses, which were dreamed up by Henry Ford, churn out highly dependable revenue streams, pay large dividends, and support investor capital preservation during periods of stock market instability. Continue reading
Posted in Business, MN Gordon
Tagged henry ford, muscle shoals, tennessee river, tennessee valley authority, the swampers
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The Art of the Lose-Lose Deal
Has there ever been a worse time to be a lowly American wage earner? First, Washington spewed out $6 trillion in printing press money. This pushed consumer price inflation to a 40 year high. At the same time, it diluted wages from a standard lager to a pilsner light. Now, at this very moment, the demand for higher wages through union organization is leading to the mass culling of payrolls. The higher wages go. The less jobs will remain. Continue reading
Posted in Business, MN Gordon
Tagged detroit, ford motor, general motors, lose-lose deal, rich boyer, shawn fain, stellantis, uaw, union