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Monthly Archives: April 2022
The Ugly Transformation of Netflix
Human progress and upset, both real and imagined, is a wide ranging subject. It can logically weave from discussions of indoor plumbing, agronomy and penicillin to thermonuclear weapons, corporate welfare and the ever present consequences of artificially low interest rates. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged binge watching, growth, netflix, streaming, subscription, value
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Feeding LA’s Homeless Industrial Complex
Election season 2022 is in full bloom. Activists, with clipboards and ballot initiatives, are abundantly flowering outside supermarkets. They want signatures – your signature – in support of new legislation that would increase funding for various whacky and zany ideas. Continue reading
Is It Game Over For Washington Checkers Players?
The United States and Western Europe are playing checkers. Russia and China are playing chess. This mismatch is grossly evidenced by the recent salvos in the financial warfare being waged between NATO allies and the burgeoning Sino-Russian alliance.
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Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged collapse, currency, dollar, financial warfare, sino-russian alliance
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Why the Digital Dollar will Destroy Free Speech
When government officials decide what is true or false, or what views are acceptable and allowed to be shared, whether by benevolence or ideological agenda, individual rights are destroyed. You see, the loss of free speech in society always coincides with the loss of economic freedom and financial privacy. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Politics
Tagged california, digital dollar, economic freedom, financial privacy, free speech, richard pan