Monthly Archives: January 2019

An Honest and Easy Solution to Wealth Inequality

Here we are, less than one month into the New Year, and absurdity levels have broken above 120 decibels. Society, it seems, has spun itself up to a fever pitch. The common culture is working towards a common freak-out. Continue reading

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Kicking Xi Jinping While He’s Down

On a beautiful midsummer day, roughly six months ago, two distinguished men, of distinguished stature, crossed paths under precarious circumstances. They are very much alike, these two distinguished men. Continue reading

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Washington’s Latest Match Made In Hell

The recent mid-term election demonstrates that the American populace wants the more abundant life to be given to them via the highly visible hand of big government. For example, 29 year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was recently elected to the House of Representatives from New York’s 14th district. Continue reading

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The Downside of Mindless Investing

High inflection points in life, like high inflection points in the stock market, are both humbling and instructive. One moment you think you’ve got the world by the tail. The next moment the rug’s yanked right out from under you. Continue reading

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