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Tag Archives: government meddling
Trump Tariffs Gone Wild
The U.S. stock market’s recent zigs and zags have triggered considerable excitement. Wall Street pros, private money managers, and Millennial index fund enthusiasts have all been whipsawed by the market’s swift up and down movements. No one can seem to stay ahead of President Trump’s ‘make it up as you go’ tariff games. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged collapse, flexitarian, government meddling, henry hazlitt, trade tariffs
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Social Insecurity and the Fate of All Ponzi Schemes
Elon Musk – the richest man in the world – is doing a fine job shaking up Washington’s political establishment. He recently took to the Joe Rogan podcast where he said, “Social Security is the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time.” Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, charles ponzi, elon musk, government meddling, social security
How The Trade War Ends
The quote “When goods don’t cross borders, soldiers will,” is frequently attributed to 19th century writer and free market economist Frederic Bastiat. While these specific words, strung together with this specific syntax, cannot be found in Bastiat published catalogue, their sentiments are of the type he would have likely endorsed. Continue reading
Mistakes from the Past
Over the last three weeks something unexpected by the Fed has happened. The yield on the 10-Year Treasury didn’t follow the Fed’s rate cut down. Rather, it did the opposite. It went up. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged arthur burns, federal reserve, government meddling, interest rate, jerome powell
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