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Tag Archives: federal reserve
Final Collapse is Inexorable
This week central planners pursued their primary mission with steadfast conviction. They planned. They prodded. They prearranged tomorrow to save us from ourselves. Some also grubbed a little graft for their trouble. Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged collapse, default, federal reserve, freedom, government meddling
Fiat Money Cannibalization in America
Failure of the debt based fiat money system is at stake. The Fed will do everything they can to keep it alive. They’ll keep at it, debasing the dollar around the clock, until the precise moment it cannibalizes itself. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged collapse, default, federal reserve, fiat money, QE4, repo operations
The Hollow Promise of a Statist Economy
Not a day goes by that doesn’t supply a new specimen of inane disclarity. Muddy ideas are dredged up from tainted minds like lumps of odorous pond muck. We do our part to clean up the mess, whether we want to or not. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, federal reserve, government action, socialism, statist
Getting to a Special State of Ugly
The world, circa 2019, is a fabricated reality. Debt, piled upon debt, piled upon debt, ad infinitum, has erected a financial order that’s at perilous odds with the underlying economy. Central bankers attempt to manipulate fake money and fake foreign exchange rates to keep the debt pile from cascading down. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged business cycle, central planning, currency manipulator, federal reserve, people's bank of china