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Tag Archives: budget deficit
The Road to America’s Golden Age
Hey! Rub-a-dub-dub. Trump won! Make a toast or say a prayer. It all depends on your political and spiritual preferences. There are times to kiss the bottle. So, too, there are times to kneel in church. Perhaps now is the time for both.
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Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged budget deficit, debt, donald trump, elon musk, spending cuts
Whip Inflation Never
The storyline all year from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury was that consumer price inflation was coming down. That it would soon be within the Fed’s arbitrary 2 percent target. That the runaway inflation over the last few years was a mere pothole in the road to greater prosperity. Continue reading
“In America Money Does Grow on Trees”
The U.S. government, and by extension the American people, are fully committed to a program of currency debasement to inflate away the debt problem. They believe executing an implicit default via inflation is the easier and softer way. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged budget deficit, ice cube, modern monetary theory, presidential debate, stuck pig
When Budget Deficits Will Really Go Vertical
United States Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin has a sweet gig. He writes rubber checks to pay the nation’s bills. Yet, somehow, the rubber checks don’t bounce. Instead, like magic, they clear. How this all works, considering the nation’s technically … Continue reading
Posted in Government Debt, MN Gordon
Tagged budget deficit, business cycle, debt, interest rate, steven mnuchin, trade deficit