Category Archives: Business

Tasting the Forbidden Fruit

Make no mistake, consumers and businesses got themselves into this mess. No one held a gun to their heads and forced them to borrow money. They did it to themselves. Continue reading

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Time to Get Real About Artificial Intelligence

There’s never really a good time for a new bubble mania. But usually, they have the decency to come at the tail end of an extended bull market, as a sort of blow-off top. Continue reading

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How to Face Risk in an Uncertain World

Managing risk. Mitigating uncertainty. Is attempting to crack this unsolvable puzzle all just a waste of time and energy? Continue reading

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Do Techno Posers Have the Skills to Pay the Bills?

Gary from Chicago, no doubt, is a techno poser. Rather than digging deep and doing something rad, he’s counting his vacation days. We don’t know if Gary from Chicago is still employed at Meta. Regardless, we do know that many of his techno poser associates are now out of work. Continue reading

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