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Monthly Archives: February 2020
Where Did Your Money Go?
It all seems so systematic, arranged, and orderly. Almost a direct proof of deism. Sixty seconds make a minute, 60 minutes make an hour, 24 hours make a day, and one day equals one complete rotation of the planet earth. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged ben bernanke, deism, helicopter drops, leap year, printing press
China’s Debts are Coming Due at the Worst Possible Time
The economic consequences of coronavirus are quickly piling up like garbage along the streets of Los Angeles. Breaking supply chains, closed Chinese factories, iPhone disruptions, and massive shortages of Chinese made products. These developments will most definitely get worse before they get better. Continue reading
The Secret to Fun and Easy Stock Market Riches
On Tuesday, at the precise moment Federal Reserve Chairman Jay Powell commenced delivering his semiannual monetary policy report to the House Financial Services Committee, something unpleasant happened. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) didn’t go up. Rather, it went down. Continue reading
Posted in MN Gordon, Stock Market
Tagged djia, federal reserve, jerome powell, monetary policy, president trump
The Triumph of Madness
Rudolf von Havenstein had been president of the Reichsbank – the German central bank – since 1908. He knew the workings of central bank debt issuances better than anyone. He was good at it. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged bill bonner, collapse, dollar, german hyperinflation, rudolf von havenstein