Tag Archives: unemployment

Minimum Wage, Maximum Stupidity

Minimum Wage, Maximum Stupidity By Doug French, Contributing Editor The minimum wage should be the easiest issue to understand for the economically savvy.  If the government arbitrarily sets a floor for wages above that set by the market, jobs will … Continue reading

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Tree Branch Economics

One trouble with government programs is they debilitate people.  Recipients believe they are getting a benefit when, in effect, they are being harmed.  Time and time again, under the influence of a benevolent hand of government, otherwise able and intelligent … Continue reading

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How to Accumulate Wealth

On Wednesday we drove out to San Bernardino to meet with a client.  It was warm, gray, and gloomy.  Nothing like the blue sunny skies and cool breezes we left behind us at the beach.  Nonetheless, it wasn’t the dreary … Continue reading

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