Tag Archives: S&P 500

What a Remarkable Time to be Alive

Naturally, we’re disappointed.  We’d hoped top Fed head Janet Yellen would say something significant from the idyllic setting of Jackson Holy, Wyoming.  Namely, we tuned in for a hint of when the federal funds rate, which has been pressed firmly … Continue reading

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Knockdown Drag Out Slugfest

Blows are being taken on the chin and dished out to the gut as daily prices wildly soar or crash.  Last week, for instance, the DOW jumped and dived several hundred points before finishing up about where it started.  Here … Continue reading

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When the Stock Market Bubble will Burst

U.S. markets were closed yesterday in observance of Memorial Day.  But, nonetheless, we peered through our Economic Prism for hints and clues of what’s to come.  There are no bones about it.  We believe the bull market’s end is nigh.  … Continue reading

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A Symbol of Death for Stocks

We’re spoiled for material.  Each and every day we check the headlines with glee.  Not only are we eager to see what’s happening…we’re eager to discover the latest canard. For instance, last fall something called Balloon Dog sold at a … Continue reading

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