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Tag Archives: central planning
Karl Marx’s Road to Hell is Paved with Fake Money
“The way to Hell is paved with good intentions,” remarked Karl Marx in Das Kapital. The devious fellow was bemoaning evil capitalists for having the gall to use their own money for the express purpose of making more money. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, communist manifesto, das kapital, fake money, karl marx
When Boom Turns Into Crack-Up Boom
U.S. dollar printing in its current form is a crude procedure. The Treasury issues debt. The Federal Reserve then expands its balance sheet, creating credit from nothing, and loans it to the Treasury. The U.S. government then spends the debt based money into the economy via federal contracts, programs, and, now, stimmy checks. Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, crack-up boom, credit expansion, joe biden, ludwig von mises
Fruits Of Inflation Are Blossoming
A bountiful harvest can always be demanded from the land. So, too, a bountiful supply of money can be demanded from the central bank. But remember, in an economy, like a harvest, you reap what you sow. What we mean is all money is not created equal. Continue reading
Posted in Inflation, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, joe biden, modern monetary theory, ralph waldo emerson, soviet union
Your Figuring Central Planners At Work
The central planners never hit their inflation targets. But, in spraying the economy with birdshot, they cause massive disruption. This aside, assuming the central planners at the Fed could target price inflation, what rate of inflation would they precisely pinpoint? Continue reading
Posted in Economy, MN Gordon
Tagged central planning, federal reserve, inflation targeting, jerome powell, robert kaplan