Science for Madmen

One of the absurdities of the coronavirus era is the purported faith in science by the political class; in particular, the left.  Joe Biden, for instance, said he would shut the country down if recommended by scientists.  Nancy Pelosi, this week, with respect to coronavirus stimulus, told Wolf Blitzer, that “…the science should call the shot and when they do, we should all trust it.”

“Trust, but verify,” counseled Ronald Reagan.  No doubt, the Gipper, didn’t envision the ridiculous science behind coronavirus containment policy.

President Trump, taking the advice of Reagan, recently verified the effects of coronavirus himself.  His findings, following a three day bout with the illness, revealed the science based policies that have been applied are not to be trusted.  Trump tweeted these conclusions:

“One thing that’s for certain: Don’t let it dominate you.  Don’t be afraid of it.  You’re going to beat it.”

According to Science magazine, “[Trump’s] repeated public dismissals of scientific expertise, and his disdain for evidence have prompted many researchers to label him the most antiscience president in living memory.”

Maybe so.  But when science is being used by policy makers to do stupid and destructive things, like locking down the economy, being antiscience is the intelligent choice.  What’s more, the World Health Organization now says it’s opposed to lockdowns, and told world leaders: “stop using lockdowns as your primary control method.”

We have a hunch that the science of lockdowns has little to do with stemming the spread of coronavirus.  We’ll have more on this in a moment.  But first, we must make an important distinction.  And to do so, we must take a brief diversion…

Private Acts of Madmen

Private and public life are as different as chalk and cheese.  They are both disposed to acts of madmen.  Sometimes these madmen apply science.  But in private life science is used with honest intentions; at the very least, with the aim of making a buck.  In public life, applications of science are far more sinister.

Here we turn to our own hamlet – the Los Angeles Basin – with purpose and intent.  We take a gander back at its heyday for private madmen.  We’re after perspective and the clarity it brings to today’s public madness.  Where to begin?

By the early 20th century, before the mania to splatter every square foot of the LA Basin’s surface with concrete took hold of the local spirits, the place was already a magnet for eccentrics, delusionals, and hucksters galore.  Howard Hughes, a total lunatic, would dream up his latest flying machine and then crash it into Beverly Hills.

There was Italian immigrant Simon Rodia.  For reasons unknown, and between swigs of malt liquor, he worked nearly every day from 1921 to 1955 chicken wiring steel pipes and rods together, erecting numerous towering eyesores in his backyard in the Watts district of Los Angeles.

Then, after 34 years of this madness, Rodia, on a whim, deeded the property to his neighbor and hopped a bus to the East Bay.  No one in Watts ever heard from him again.  But his monstrosities, known as the Watts Towers, are now a National Historic Landmark.  Go figure?

There was also Griffith J. Griffith, who amassed a fortune in the mining industry.  That was before he shot his wife in a Santa Monica Hotel.  To make good for his transgressions – and to commute his time in San Quentin to just two years – Griffith donated the land for Griffith Park to Los Angeles and funded the City’s observatory.  Without Griffith’s private act of preservation the City wouldn’t have any remaining land that’s not covered with concrete.

These were the sorts of wacky and wild characters that roamed about when state and local governments were small and feeble.  It was the beginning of a long property boom…where, for the next 50-years, property values went up without interruption.

Even the most harebrained business ventures were almost guaranteed to succeed.  For example, you could buy an old mail service boat – like John Clearman did – tow it from the Long Beach Harbor up to a wide open corner lot on Huntington Drive in the San Gabriel Valley, plop it down, and get rich selling cheese toast and red cabbage salad out of it.

This was before zoning codes and city permits spoiled all the fun.  Was the world a better place?  We don’t know; we weren’t there to experience it.  From what we can tell, it was certainly freer.  But, alas, the great perversion of science had only just begun.

Science for Madmen

These days private eccentricity has been eliminated like the carburetor.  In its place, public madness, guided by science, now rules the land.  Public policy, no matter how destructive, is forced upon the populous, so long as a scientific expert says so.

If you recall, when the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law by Woody Wilson two days before Christmas in 1913, it was said to provide scientific management of the economy.  In truth, it instituted the age old practice of money debasement, and intervention into private life, as a matter of public policy.

Klaus Schwab, a madman, and founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is a man of science based public policy.  Nearly a decade ago, at the annual WEF gathering in Davos, Switzerland, Schwab, bore the sins of all capitalists.  At the time, we documented the Saturday night barn stomp turn Sunday morning salvation call with the article, Davos Hootenanny and Salvation Call.

Schwab, having gained full salvation, has continued to use science to promote ever greater – globalist – control over people’s lives.  The coronavirus has provided a convenient cover to further his agenda.  Schwab calls it The Great Reset:

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”

Schwab’s vision for what he calls ‘The Post Pandemic Era,’ is a world where global planners cooperate between nations to provide greater societal equality and sustainable – nature-positive – development.  Somehow dissolving existing political institutions that were developed over hundreds of years of practice in favor of global governance is supposed to reset the world for the better.  So long as Schwab reimagines it correctly.

In his new book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” Schwab and his co-author admit that COVID-19 is “one of the least deadly pandemics in the last 2000 years.”

This brings us to the crux of the matter.  Lockdowns have little to do with stemming the spread of coronavirus.  They are about greater government control by madmen.  The purported science behind the lockdowns is science for madmen.

Don’t trust it.  Don’t trust the politicians.  They destroyed the economy to rule your life.  Alas, they’ve only just begun.


MN Gordon
for Economic Prism

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24 Responses to Science for Madmen

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  19. Doly says:

    “But when science is being used by policy makers to do stupid and destructive things, like locking down the economy, being antiscience is the intelligent choice.”

    Science, by definition, is not stupid. If it’s stupid, it isn’t science. If a real expert, ie, one that actually knows what they’re talking about, says that a lockdown will save lives and will be the best for the economy in the long run, then, by definition of “real expert”, that’s the best estimate available, and it’s stupid not to follow his advice.

    You may want to argue that X, Y or Z isn’t a real expert. But that isn’t what you do here. What you are saying here is that nobody really knows anything and that science doesn’t really exist, therefore being anti-science is a great idea. That is obviously false. Science exists and real experts exist, and not following the advice of the best experts is patently a bad idea.

    And if locking down is such a bad and destructive idea, you really need to explain why all the countries that have been most successful in dealing with the virus (China, New Zealand, Denmark, etc.) started with a serious lockdown.

    And if you are going to mention Sweden, surely you don’t want to put in the list of high successes a country that has coronavirus restrictions for the foreseeable future till they get a vaccine, when other countries (again, China, New Zealand, Denmark, etc.) have little to no restrictions going right now.

    But, as you have stated clearly, you prefer being anti-science and anti-knowledge, so presumably you hate true facts.

    • SOD says:

      To error is human; to dictate what science is good and how it is to be applied is the domain of the over-reaching, manipulative and myopic ruling class. These are indisputable facts. The never ending folly and hubris of our species have never been stemmed—even by those that pound their chest and extoll the truth and power of their god ‘science’.

  20. Pingback: Science for Madmen | Financial Survival Network

  21. Pingback: The Choice Between Corruption and Truth (But, We Still Collapse) –

  22. George says:

    I don’t think it is the lockdowns per say as much as people and their belief in what is essential have changed. I remember reading a popular article last April about 15 people dying in 9 days on Jet Blue airlines. Some were retired NYC police who re upped as flight attendants. Some were young men and women in their prime. This actually happened and the lasting effects of this and countless other examples of early death have changed me.
    Maybe I don’t want to take my life in my hands and eat in a sit down restaurant with unmasked patrons looking on , or sit in a theater with coughing who knows what surrounding me for a couple of hours. Maybe I think it is just plain risky to travel by plane or rail, breathing whatever aerosols are circulating about. And maybe those heavy workouts in the gym are going to make me sick, or shopping at a store where everyone is touching everything.
    So it’s just the unknown that makes me pause, and I don’t think I’m an isolated case. That pause has become my panic, and unfortunately the unwinding of a service economy.
    Public TV (PBS) every Friday night features the life stories of a few who died of covid each week. They air it at the end of the nightly news. People who once had vibrant lives now gone, I really think it is the only media outlet that even begins to acknowledge the carnage that has and will affect so many lives.

  23. Pingback: La science pour les fous et la "Grande Remise à Zéro" | Aube Digitale

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